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Traffic jam in the fog

Local Authorities, will LEVI leave you waiting? 

*Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure scheme operated by OZEV.

Charging an electric car

EV infrastructure: It’s time to accelerate

Local authorities are currently taking two and a half years to get Electric Vehicle (EV) charge points in the ground – meaning the nation is behind the Government’s 2030 target of 300,000 charge points. So, what’s the hold-up and what can you do to accelerate this?

Red traffic light and stop road sign

What’s holding things up?

At present, just 20% of the 300,000 charge points targeted by the Government have been installed. This slow pace is due to multiple factors:

Despite this, according to our latest Local Authority Insight Report, 31% of local authorities have no formal EV infrastructure plan in place, and half don’t expect to complete one in the next three years.

A hand pointing at a data graph that desplays over a laptop

Public funding isn’t your only option

If the above timeframe looks too long for your requirements, or your LEVI application is rejected, that is not the end of the road.

Believ provides a fully funded, end-to-end, scalable solution for local authorities, offering the full range of charging speeds and market-leading maintenance standards. By working with us, local authorities can cut the EV charging installation timeframe from two and a half years to 15 months while reducing their administrative and strategic burden:

  • We’ll help you put together a charge point strategy based on your local authority’s specific needs
  • There’s zero cost to the taxpayer or council, with no reliance on LEVI or any other public funding
  • Our skilled planning team use a detailed, data-driven analysis of your area to ensure your EV charge points meet your needs now and in the future.

Have funding questions?

From funding models and government grants to determining the optimum strategy for your local authority, we’ve answered the key questions here: FAQs.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact us!

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Download the Believ App to access Believ’s electric vehicle charge points in the UK.
We make public charging simple.