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Max Charge
Speed Lookup

Calculate the maximum AC and DC charging speeds your EV
will request.

Enter your vehicle registration number:

Factors that can affect your charge speed:

Vehicle Charging Capabilities

The maximum charge speed that your EV can accept varies between different vehicle makes and models. Use the lookup above to determine your EV’s maximum charge speed.

Your current state
of charge

Under 20% or over 80% battery charge? Your charge speed will be reduced because your car is trying to protect its battery.



Under 20°C? Charge speed will be slower because the battery will use some of the energy to heat the battery first.

Over 25°C? Charge speed will be slower because the battery will use some of the energy to cool the battery first.



If the battery is warm from recent use, it charges faster. If cold, it needs to warm up first for optimal charging speed.

Download our app!

Download the Believ App to access Believ’s electric vehicle charge points in the UK.
We make public charging simple.